Sunday, February 25, 2018


INVENTION (Discovery)

The creator of this video Had to first come of with the idea. Then he had to come up with the money for the equipment and travel expenses for all the trips he would have to take. He also had to find the talented street performers.

DISPOSITION (Arrangement)

He starts the video off in one area with one street performer and one instrument then, goes around the world to other states and countries using multiple performers and instruments.


He chooses a very old classical song that most people would know or remember to display his message.

MEMORY (Knowledge)

Even though each musician had a different instrument or different way of singing the song, they all still song the same lyrics with the same message.

The creator chose to deliver this message through song. Obviously an oral message.


This image stands out to me because is a gathering of people. They are all just sitting around each other PEACEFULLY playing their instruments and singing together. I believe that people coming together like this argues against violence.

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